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January 2025

Welcome to Aged Care News

This newsletter is for community members and services across the Mid North Coast, it’s full of useful information to keep us connected and up to date with what’s going on in our communities.

It Starts With You – Kempsey Community

If you are passionate about your local community and want to make it more dementia-friendly, then this session is for you.  

In this workshop you will understand the impact of dementia on individuals, families and the community. You will learn what a dementia-friendly community is and how it benefits the whole community.  

People living with dementia and carers are encouraged to attend.  

Join the conversation on 13th March 2024, from 10.30am to 12pm at the Kempsey Library.  

Register for It Starts With You to start the conversation to a dementia friendly community.

Driving and Dementia

This free online program provides information about the impact of dementia on driving. Dementia Australia offers tips for recognising when dementia is impacting on someone’s ability to drive safely, the importance of planning ahead, and acknowledging the significance of retiring from driving.

Register for this educational workshop on the Driving and Dementia event registration page.

Aged Care Answers

Do you have any questions regarding the rights of older people? Are you struggling to navigate Aged Care? Join former Aged Care Advocate Jill McDonnell for a concise session on understanding services, negotiating care plans, and making confident decisions.  

Afternoon tea will be provided.  

Come and join the conversation and a cuppa on Wednesday, 19th February 2025 at 2pm.  If you are unable to attend the February conversation, multiple dates are available in 2025.

Register your spot via the Hastings Library Aged Care Answers webpage.

Future Matters: The Importance of Carers Planning Ahead

Planning for the future can be challenging for carers, many of whom avoid thinking about future needs for themselves and the person they care for, until they are in crisis.

The session provides an overview of the legal, medical, financial and other practical considerations in planning for the future. The session also provides information about tools and supports to help plan and prepare to transition someone to aged and/or end of life care, and the opportunity to reflect on the emotional impacts carers may experience at this time.

Two dates are available in early 2025 to be a part of this important conversation.

You will require access to a computer or smart device with speakers, as training is delivered via ZOOM. Carers NSW will send you instructions about how you can join the session on the day before each session.

For more information or to register your attendance click on this Future Matters registration link.

What the new Aged Care Act will mean for you

With all the changes within the Aged Care Sector, the Older Persons Advocacy Network is hosting a webinar to take you through a summary of the new Aged Care Act. This will be the first in a series to assist in providing information to the changes and how it will affect you.

This will be a FREE online event on Tuesday, 25th February from 1pm until 2pm, Australian Eastern Daylight Time.

Save the date and register for this helpful webinar on the Older Persons Advocacy Network website.

Community Health Workshop

Healthy North Coast is hosting Community Health Workshops for community members aged 40 and over; carers and healthcare professionals are encouraged to participate.

Healthy North Coast wants to hear from you on your ideas on how we can help improve your health and wellbeing in the future. Introductory workshops are being hosted in Wauchope on 4th February, Grafton on 5th February and Tweed Heads on 6th February 2025, from 10:30am to 1:30pm.

Your thoughts will help us to develop solutions to help take care of your health, manage conditions early, and make healthy choices easier.

Participants will receive $50 per hour and lunch on the day, payment will be made after the completion of the workshops.

RSVP by Friday, 31st January 2025, 5pm.

For more information or to register, visit the Community Health Workshops webpage on the HNC website.

Tech Savvy Seniors

Tech Savvy Seniors introduction to tablets: iPads and Apple Smartphones 

The Port Macquarie Library is hosting free technology classes for people over 60 years of age and any indigenous people over 50 years of age.  

There are sessions for both Apple and Android users. The workshops focus on how to use and change settings on your device, use the camera, send and retrieve emails. You will learn how to get the most out of your smartphone.  

The sessions run for two hours.  

Apple user sessions run on Wednesdays from 10am to 12pm on either 22 January, 5 February or 19 February 2025.  

Android users can join the sessions on 29 January, 12 February or 26 February 2025 from 10am to 12pm. 

Limited places are available, bookings are essential.  

Visit the Hastings Library's Talking Tech for Seniors webpage for more information

National Plan to end the Abuse and Mistreatment of Older People.

This consultation focuses on the draft National Plan to End the Abuse and Mistreatment of Older People. The development of the draft National Plan was informed by:  

  • the independent evaluation of the first National Plan to Respond to the abuse of Older Australians (Elder Abuse) 2019 – 2023 
  • the findings of a national consultation process undertaken by Elder Abuse Action Australia (EAAA).

The draft national plan consists of:  

  • a 10-year term, which will be underpinned by two 5-year action plans  
  • an ambitious vision framed in terms of ending (rather than responding to) elder abuse, consistent with the National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children 2022-2032 
  • a human rights focus and cross-portfolio approach to addressing underlying issues 
  • a clear commitment to monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the plan, and report publicly on implementation milestones.  

The consultation process seeks your feedback on the draft National Plan and National Plan program logic. The Attorney General’s department wants to hear from older people who have experienced mistreatment, and people or groups responding to, or working to end, the abuse and mistreatment of older people.  

There are several ways to share your views on the draft, including completing a survey and making a submission. You are able to submit your responses under your name or anonymously. Consultation closes Monday, 17th February 2025. 

For more information on the draft consultation of the Attorney General's National Plan to End the Abuse and Mistreatment of Older People webpage.

Better Connected through My Health Record

You can now share your My Aged Care Support Plan with My Health Record.  

As of 9th December 2024, you can share your My Aged Care support plan with My Health Record.  Your support plan is everything discussed in your Aged Care Assessment and includes the care and services that will best help you.  

During your assessment you will be asked to authorise sharing your support plan with My Health Record. This will give health professionals, such as your GP, a better understanding of your aged care needs, and will help them provide you with better care.  

You can find out more about sharing your Support Plan at the Ageing and Aged Care Engagement Hub

Drop-in Session at Kempsey Library

Dementia Australia has regularly scheduled information sessions facilitated by a Dementia Support Specialist at Kempsey Library. People with dementia and their loved ones are encouraged to attend, to start their connection with Dementia Australia.

Monthly information sessions begin in February 2025. Please contact Donna Leonard on 0438 542 269 to reserve your spot.

Care2Prepare Readiness Toolkit

Care2Prepare is a project delivered by Carers NSW in partnership with the Physical Disability Council of NSW, and Aged Care Provider GoCo. The aim of Care2Prepare is to focus on disaster responses for people living with disability, older people and carers.

The Readiness Toolkit applies a person-centred, supported planning approach to supporting households to develop a plan that is based on the individual’s capability and capacity to plan, prepare and act during a disaster. The approach considers a person’s living situation, and how they either give or receive care, resulting in a tailored plan that is easily understood and actionable.  

People living with disability, older persons and carers share many common challenges in preparing for and responding to emergencies.    

For more information check out the Care2Prepare link link on the Carers NSW Website.

Carers NSW are now inviting participants in the Central Coast, Shoalhaven and Gunnedah regions to join the Care2Prepare Pilot Program.  

By joining the pilot program, you will:  

  • receive in-person home visits to assist you to identify risks and capabilities to prepare for and respond to disaster events
  • create an individualised, person-centred plan to enhance your own preparedness and resilience in the event of disasters
  • contribute to increasing the inclusivity of disaster response for carers, people with disabilities, and older people.  

Register your interest in the Care2Prepare pilot program here on the Carers NSW Care2Prepare webpage.

Aged Care Assessment Service

Blue Sky Community Services is now providing My Aged Care single point assessment services as a sub-contracting partner to Community Options Australia. We deliver these services in the Mid North Coast, Far North Coast and New England regions.

The My Aged Care Single Assessment Service is designed for older Australians who are seeking access to government-subsided aged care services.

The aged care single assessment system simplifies access to aged care services, ensuring a more efficient and person-centred experience.
The Integrated Assessment Tool (IAT), allows assessors to collect comprehensive information about an individual's needs in a single session, tailoring service recommendations and referrals to their current circumstances.

We have Aged Care Assessors based in Coffs Harbour, Port Macquarie, Taree, Inverell, Tamworth, Grafton, Lismore and Tweed Heads, providing services across the Mid North Coast, Far North Coast and New England regions.

Contact the service on: 1300 785 356 to start the process of accessing My Aged Care.

The Nightingale Program

Dementia Australia is offering dementia-specific palliative care support.

The Nightingale Program is a palliative model of advanced dementia care throughout South Australia and specific New South Wales locations. The program is provided by specialist nurses in both states.

It is available free of charge.

The program nurses are able to develop care strategies to enable people living with dementia to stay at home longer and maximise their independence, promote quality of life, and have clinical advice including co-morbidity management, pain management and palliation.

How to access the Nightingale Program? Call the National Dementia Helpline on 1800 100 500.

To access more information or to start a live chat with an expert advisor on the program visit the Nightingale Program website.

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Do you have a news article to submit?

Did you know you can submit a wide range of community-related information such as grants, job listings, events and activities to Blue Sky?

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