Let’s Talk Roadshow
NSW Fair Trading is back on the road this year bringing along multiple services to talk about your rights and responsibilities and Fair Trading services.
Across the 30th and 31st of October in Taree, you are invited to attend a range of free sessions that suit your needs. From tenancy issues to knowing your rights as a disability consumer, there is a session for everyone.
On both days in Taree, NSW Fair Trading is hosting a services connect expo for the general public.
Find all session details at the Let's Talk Roadshow Event Page.

Free Safety Awareness Seminar
The Older Persons Abuse Prevention Coffs Coast Collaborative invites you to attend a Free Safety Awareness Seminar on 7th November 2024 in Woolgoolga. The workshop will focus on banking and protection from scams, protecting your property from theft, and will highlight what Elder Abuse is, and what can be done about it.
With insight and guidance from the New South Wales Police, BCU Bank, Coffs Harbour Legal Aid and Carer Gateway, you are sure to feel more secure with your financial choices.
Date: 7 November 2024
Time: 9.30am to12pm
Location: CWA Rooms, 23 Beach Street, Woolgoolga NSW 2456
Reserve your spot here to attend this educational seminar.

Living with Younger Onset Dementia Program – Online
Dementia Australia is providing the community the opportunity to join the Living with Younger Onset Dementia Program, which runs over 5 weekly sessions starting 7th November 2024.
The sessions include information about the impact of younger onset dementia, coping with change, relationships and communication, planning for the future, strategies and support services.
For more information about the program and to secure your spot, visit the Dementia Australia website.

Kep Enderby Memorial Lecture
Systemic racism in law, policies and service delivery, has serious and ongoing consequences for First Nations peoples, often being social comorbidities. The Australian Human Rights encourages you to join this year’s free online Kep Enderby Memorial Lecture on Friday, 1st November 2024.
This informative event will discuss “Dismantling Systemic Racism – perspective from First Nations Peoples”. The CEO of First Nations Collective, Marni Tuala will deliver this year's oration.
Marni will share the findings of extensive consultation with First Nations peoples across Australia about their experiences of racism and recommendations of systemic change.
This online event will be delivered via Zoom. Auslan interpretation and live captioning will be available.

Aboriginal Cultural Awareness for the Workplace
Maitland Community Care Services and Blakworks present a free cultural awareness training for the workplace. Through this in-person training you will be guided on the aims and rationale of First Nations employment, traditional Aboriginal cultures and identity, barriers to First Nations employment and more.
Date: Tuesday, 5 November 2024
Time: 10am to 3.30pm
Location: Club Maitland City, 14 Arthur Street, Rutherford, NSW 2320
Reserve your spot for the CHSP Cultural Awareness Workshop here

Aged Care Speed Networking Event
Are you a professional in the Aged Care Sector, looking to connect with other service providers. Join Wesley Mission and Blue Sky Community Services and a range of other fantastic services for an Aged Care Speed Networking event in Taree.
This is a great opportunity to build new partnerships, share ideas and explore potential collaborations that can enhance the care and support provided to older Australians. Don’t miss out on this chance to expand your network and strengthen your role in community.
Date: Wednesday, 20th November 2024
Time: 10am to 12pm
Where: Wesley Mission Taree – 75 Manning Street, Taree NSW
Please bring any brochures, flyers and referral forms for your organisation.
Light refreshments will be provided.
Contact: meggiemolony@bluesky.org.au or alicia.clarke@wesleymission.org.au to register

Presenting Issues 2023-24 Annual Report Launch Webinar
Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) is presenting a free 60-minute online event to review a summary of the activities and key issues older people have been supported with by advocates during the last financial year.
OPAN’s CEO Craig Gear will discuss some of the recurring issues and recommended solutions in the webinar. Topics covered will include:
- Concerns around fees and charges
- Lack of choice and control, and more
You are encouraged to submit a question in advance when you register.
Register for the OPAN Presenting Issues 2023 Webinar today.

Using Writing to Explore the Challenges of Ageing Webinar
Swinburne University is hosting a webinar on “Using writing to explore the challenges of ageing”.
This engaging webinar will explore the process of series writing and discussion, touching on several key themes that have emerged. These include shifts in personal identity with ageing, health concerns and declining abilities, questions about life's meaning, as well as issues like loneliness, depression, and what a constructive approach to wellbeing later in life may look life.
Join the conversation Using Writing to Explore the Challenges of Ageing .

Aged Care Bill 2024
The Australian Government introduced the Aged Care Bill 2024 to Parliament on 12th September 2024. The Bill is to introduce a new Aged Care Act – the main law that sets out how the aged care system will operate. The government has produced an Easy to Read fact sheet summarising each chapter of the bill. The Fact Sheet also explains the next steps to make the Bill a law.

Good Spirit, Good Life – a Quality of Life Framework.
The University of Western Australia, in co-development with older First Nations people and the Nyoongar Elders Governance Group in Perth, have developed the “Good Spirit, Good Life” toolkit. The package, which includes an assessment tool, instruction booklet and recommendations and strategies, whilst assessing a First Nations client, addresses some of the gaps within the Aged Care and Health Sector, by measuring wellbeing using 12 questions that identify interconnected factors that are important to First Nations people in a culturally-informed practice.
There are two versions of the assessment tool – a participant version, which can be used for clients who are able to self-report on their own quality of life, and a carer’s version for clients that may have complications with self-reporting.
To access the framework visit - University of Western Australia website.

Survey on Elder Abuse in Regional, Rural and Remote Australia
The Australian Government Attorney-General's Department has joined the Monash University Gender and Family Violence Prevention Centre, Older Persons Advocacy Network, and the Sunshine Coast University, to undertake a national research project on Elder Abuse within regional, rural and remote communities.
The research will be undertaken in 4 phases, with phase 2 being the National Online Survey and interviews with advocates and practitioners.
To be eligible to participate in this survey, you need to have recent experience working, volunteering, or contributing to an agency who conducts work or supports clients in relation to abuse of older adults. The research aims to investigate the prevalence, challenges and forms of elder abuse in RRR Australia.
The easy-to-navigate survey will take roughly 15 minutes to complete.
If you have any questions about the project, you can contact the research team on the project email: ElderAbuseStudy@monash.edu or call on (03) 9905 2962
Monash University: Elder Abuse in Regional, Rural and Remote Australia Research Project - TasCOSS

Career Pathways for Carers
Career Pathways for Carers (CP4C) supports women between the ages of 15 and 64 living in NSW who are in a caring role to re-enter the workforce. Participants of the program receive person-centred career guidance and support to employment in roles and industries that align with their interests and skills.
Women who are interested in this project can complete an Expression of Interest via a short Expression of Interest form.
Employers interested in building partnerships to create career pathways for carers are encouraged to contact Carers NSW Policy team at policy@carersnsw.org.au.
For more information on the program check out the Career Pathways for Carers | Carers NSW website.

Easy Read Hub
The NSW Government has launched an easy-to-read hub. The aim of the Easy Read Hub is intended to give more people access to information. It uses basic language, simple fonts and images, that help the reader understand the information being told.
Currently there are 36 topics that have been translated into Easy Read. There are guides on Accessible Communities Policy, NSW Disability Inclusion Plan and many more. There are another 10 guides currently being translated to Easy Read.

Benefits of Gardening for Older People
The Horticultural Therapy Association of Australia has produced an informative fact sheet on the benefits of Gardening for Older People., with helpful tips and tricks to assist older people to enjoy gardening healthily and safely.
Find more information about growing your green thumb here at Gardening for Seniors.

Tech Savvy Seniors at your Library
Bellingen Shire Libraries are excited to be offering tech assistance drop-in sessions. In partnership with the NSW and Telstra this initiative offers free tech training for seniors, to help navigate the digital world.
Sessions are held fortnightly. A timetable is available upon request.
For more information contact the Bellingen Library on (02) 6655 1744 or Urunga Library on (02) 6655 6444. .
Find out more at Tech Savvy Seniors at Your Library Home of Bellingen Shire

Be aware of Aged Care Scams
Aged Care Scammer are on the rise, and in particular scammers who are pretending to be Aged Care Providers. They are targeting older people and their families and stealing their money.
To access some tips on how to protect yourself, or your loved ones, take a look at the easy to read articles at the Aged Care Engagement Hub.
If you think you’ve been scammed, report it. Tell the police and contact your banking institution immediately. If you are able to, report the scam to Scam Watch.

Draft National Carer Strategy Released
On 17th of October the Minister for Social Services, the Honourable. Amanda Rishworth MP, released the draft National Carer Strategy. The draft has been developed with carers across Australia and more than 750 written submissions and an establishment of an Advisory Committee of lived experience carers.
The discussions have led the government to identify a series of focus areas that will offer to improve carer recognition and support, prioritise carer health and ensure financial and economic security is protected.
All carers, any relevant organisations, and other interested people are invited to share their thoughts on key elements of the draft dtrategy. You can access the draft strategy here. The strategy highlights are available in English as well as 13 other languages and as an easy read option.
You can provide feedback on the draft strategy by:
- completing an online questionnaire
- making an audio or visual submission, which can be uploaded
- emailing a written submission to NationalCarerStrategy@dss.gov.au
Consultation on the draft strategy closes at 11.59pm, Sunday, 3rd November 2024.
Carers who may want more information about understanding the consultation process are able to download the "Have Your Say" Carers NSW three-part series at Have your say | Carers NSW

Navigating the Aged Care System for First Nations People
Community Connect Northern Beaches presents a useful 9-minute video on the first steps to navigating the aged care system for First Nations clients. The video touches on accessing services and how to navigate the My Aged Care website to begin your application.
The video expresses the importance of feeling supported and being able to access culturally-safe care.
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