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February 2025

Welcome to Connections

This newsletter is for community members and services across the Mid North Coast, it’s full of useful information to keep us connected and up to date with what’s going on in our communities.

Workshop – Setting up an Artist-run Initiative

This ‘Setting up an Artist-Run Initiative (ARI) Workshop’ is powered by the City of Coffs Harbour in partnership with Arts Mid North Coast.

Setting up an artist-run initiative (ARI) is a powerful way for artists to create their own spaces for collaboration, exhibition, and experimentation. In this dynamic and interactive 3-hour workshop, you’ll explore the essential steps to building a thriving, artist-led space, from shaping your vision to curating exhibitions and securing funding.

Reserve your spot today! General Admission tickets are $15.
Limited spaces are available - booking is required!

If the ticket price is not affordable for you, please reach out to our friendly Programs Team at culturaldevelopment@chcc.nsw.gov.au. We would love to explore the possibility of offering you a complimentary place at this event.

DATE: Friday, 7 February 2025

TIME: 12pm - 3pm

LOCATION: The Workshop, Ground Floor, YAM (Yarrila Arts and Museum), Yarrila Place, 27 Gordon St, Coffs Harbour

COST: $15

For more information and to book your spot, head to the Eventbrite website.

Gambling Recovery Group

Join the new Gambling Recovery Group at Coffs Harbour Neighbourhood Centre. They’re here for people who want to take control of their gambling habits and make lasting changes.

The facilitators provide support with respect, free of judgement. Whether your goal is complete abstinence or moderation, they are there for you - even if you slip up.

When: Every Tuesday

Time: 10.30am -12pm

For more information read the Gambling Support Flyer.

The group is FREE, with no registration required. Just show up or call Leigh at (02) 6648 3663.

Coffs By Nature – Koalas of the Coffs Coast

Would you like to do a spot of Koala watching and learn more about these unique creatures? Do you realise that many of our urban landscapes are critical to their survival? Our Coffs By Nature Guide will guide you through the beautiful botanic gardens and introduce you to the many ways you can help conserve and protect our great koalas in your own backyard.

Ages: This workshop is more suited to adults however children 7 years + are welcome.

DATE: Saturday, 15 February 2025

TIME: 10am - 12pm

LOCATION: Coffs Harbour Botanic Gardens, 24 Hardcare Street, Coffs Harbour (meet at the entrance)

COST: Free

What to bring:

Water in a reusable water bottle, enclosed footwear, insect repellent


Stroller friendly, wheelchair friendly, accessible toilets, accessible entrance and pathways, guide dog friendly, accessible parking

Contact details:

Ashley Stephenson: ashley.stephenson@chcc.nsw.gov.au


0411 708 267

IGNITE Mini 2025 – Coffs Harbour

Regional Development Australia Mid North Coast’s industry and community event, Ignite Mini 2025, is returning to the Mid North Coast! The Ignite Minis are in-person events, designed to provide the MNC community an opportunity for consultation on the priority areas of the RIF and other key aspects for our region.

Over the last week of February 2025, the RDAMNC team will be hosting three events across three different locations:

  • Surf Club, Coffs Harbour (Monday 24th, February 2025)
  • Woolshed, Valla Beach Tourist Park (Wednesday 26th, February 2025)
  • Charles Sturt University, Port Macquarie (Friday 28th, February 2025)

The change in locations from previous years provides equal opportunities for the diverse Mid North Coast community to attend, host, and participate in Ignite Mini 2025. We are looking to focus on manufacturing, agriculture, energy and waste, with event agendas to be announced soon. 

If you have anyone in your contacts that you think would be interested in our event, please pass this on to them!

Go to the Humanitix website to secure your FREE ticket! 

Dementia Education & Prevention Workshops

Dr Tyagi is a well-known Coffs Harbour Geriatrician specialising in Dementia and Alzheimers, offering free education strategies for the community, carers and Aged Care workers.

Learn about risk factors, signs, treatment, prevention and diet. Practical education to lead a healthy life.

Education sessions are held weekly at 60 Bray St, Coffs Harbour

Session Times: 9am - 10.30am and 11am - 12.30pm

Free session, just call: (02) 6650 0921 or 0434 863 701 to register or find out more.

To see more details, read the workshop flyer.

Youth Warhammer Painting and Gaming Sessions

Curious about Warhammer? Join our free introductory sessions! Dive into the world of epic battles, strategy, and creativity with no commitment needed. Meet fellow enthusiasts, learn the basics, and experience the thrill of Warhammer firsthand. Whether you’re new to tabletop games or a seasoned gamer looking for a new adventure, our welcoming community is here to guide you. Grab your spot and discover the world of Warhammer today!

Please see the Warhammer flyer for info. 

Contact Alex on his email alexandermiteff@bluesky.org.au or number on 0437353245 to make a booking. 

When: First Wednesday of every month

Time: 3:30pm-5:30pm

Where: Groundworks Youth & Family Hub

Adulting on the Spectrum- Neurodiverse Adults Social Group

Are you an adult who has been recently diagnosed with autism or neurodivergence? If so, we warmly invite you to join our supportive community. Here, you'll find others who understand your unique experiences and challenges. Whether you're looking for advice, friendship or simply a place to share your story, our group is here for you. Let's connect, support each other and celebrate our neurodiversity together.

  • Meet up fortnightly.
  • Make a safe and inclusive environment.
  • Share tips on managing daily life.
  • Create social connections.

When: First & third Thursday of the month, started in January 2025.

Time: 10.30am - 11.30am

Where: 2D Coffeehouse, Yarilla Place ( Library), 27 Gordon Street, Coffs Harbour.

For more information and any requests, please contact:

Lynda Warwick - 0417 878 391 - lynda.warwick@ndis.gov.au or Julie Ferguson - 0421 430 175 - coffsact@gmail.com

RSA and RCG Course – Dorrigo

Coffs Community college is bringing both RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) and RCG (Responsible Conduct of Gambling) courses to Dorrigo in February!

For more detailed information and how to book your place, please view this RSA & RCG information flyer.

RSA Course:

  • When: Monday 10th February 2025
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Time: 9am -4.30pm
  • Where: Dorrigo Golf Club
  • Cost: $260 or fee free * (subsidised by the NSW Government for eligible students)
  • Minimum Age: 17.5 years

RCG Course:

  • When: Tuesday 11th February 2025
  • Duration: 1 day workshop
  • Time: 9am -4.30pm
  • Location: Dorrigo Golf Club
  • Cost: $195 or fee free * (subsidised by the NSW Government for eligible students).

Life Drawing with Live Music by Hannah Harlen

This Life Drawing session will be taking place at the beautiful Raleigh Hall with the musical accompaniment of Hannah Harlen

A laid-back session open to all levels of experience. Beginners welcome!

Charcoal, butchers paper and drawing boards provided.
Please bring your own art supplies if you prefer to use those.

When: Thursday 27th February 2025

Time: 6.15pm (drawing starts at 6.30pm)

Where: Raleigh Hall, Raleigh NSW

For further information and to book tickets, please visit: Life Drawing with Live Music by Hannah Harlen | Arts Mid North Coast

What’s On at the Bellingen Memorial Hall

Bellingen Memorial Hall hosts a wide variety of events and workshops throughout the year - from arts to films to music and everything in between.

Check out their website to see what is coming up: Home | Bellingen Memorial Hall website

They have some fantastic new facilities that are for hire too - it might be just what you are looking for in hosting an event - including accessible facilities! Venue Hire | Bellingen Memorial Hall

Circle Of Security – Parenting Course

Circle of Security is designed for parents and carers who would like to support their children to build secure relationships. This course is FREE to families with children and is held over 8 consecutive Thursdays.

When: 13th February to 3rd April 2025

Time: 10am -12 noon

Where: Nambucca Heads

Contact: lparth@uniting.org 02 7206 5801

Please view the information flyer to register your interest and for further information about the course.

Macksville Music Muster


Macksville Music Muster will run over 5 and a half days.

When: 17th – 24th February 2025

Where: To be held at the Macksville Show Grounds, 111 Rodeo Drive, Macksville NSW 2447

This year’s artist line-up includes: Barry Green, Amos Morris, Felicity Dowd, Drew Blundell, Michael Green, Vanessa Sanger, Allan Gumm, Brian Letton, Shelly & Lawrie Minson and Lyn Bowtell.

​Featuring:- Walk Ups, Elvis Night, Rock n Roll Night, Walk Up Wednesday Night, Main Stage Artist Acoustic Night Thursday Night & a Feature on Friday & Saturday Night, Local & Interstate Country Music Artists. – Food, Live Entertainment.

  • Paid Ticketed-only Event
  • Showcases a wide Variety of LIVE Local & Interstate Country Music Artists
  • Variety of Food Truck & Stalls
  • Bring your own Chairs, Rugs
  • Outside Food and Drinks will be allowed



​Camping – ONLY 100 Powered Sites Available – BOOKINGS A MUST

Non-powered Sites Available

BOOK HERE: www.macksvillemusicmuster.com.au

See the information flyer for more information, or contact Vanessa by phone: 0402 512 116 or email: macksvillemusicmuster@gmail.com

IGNITE Mini 2025 – Valla Beach

Regional Development Australia Mid North Coast’s industry and community event, Ignite Mini 2025, is returning to the Mid North Coast! The Ignite Minis are in-person events, designed to provide the MNC community an opportunity for consultation on the priority areas of the RIF and other key aspects for our region.

Over the last week of February 2025, the RDAMNC team will be hosting three events across three different locations:

  • Surf Club, Coffs Harbour (Monday 24th, February 2025)
  • Woolshed, Valla Beach Tourist Park (Wednesday 26th, February 2025)
  • Charles Sturt University, Port Macquarie (Friday 28th, February 2025)

The change in locations from previous years provides equal opportunities for the diverse Mid North Coast community to attend, host, and participate in Ignite Mini 2025. We are looking to focus on manufacturing, agriculture, energy and waste with event agendas to be announced soon. 

If you have anyone in your contacts who you think would be of interested in our event, please pass this on to them!

Go to the Humanitix website to secure your FREE ticket!  

Funkya at Unkya Community Market

Funkya at Unkya is a grassroots bi-monthly community market for ‘make it, bake it, sew it, grow it’ producers and creatives as well as the environmentally sustainable concept to reuse, recycle and re-invent.

The market is held at Unkya Reserve, Eungai Creek on the last Sunday of February, April, June, August and October and on the second Sunday in December for the Christmas market. Live music by local musicians headlines every market.

The market is open between 8am and 1pm.

Visit the website for more information: Funkya at Unkya Markets - Eungai NSW

Arts Mid North Coast – Activities in the Nambucca Valley

Are you looking to find some connections to art in the Valley? Some theatre, workshops or some fun activities? The Arts Mid North Coast website is a great place to find what you are looking for!

Visit the website below to see what is coming up this month in the Nambucca Valley.

Events in Nambucca | Arts Mid North Coast

Aboriginal Women’s Group

Location: West Kempsey Community Hub
Address: 34 Gordon Nixon Avenue
Time: Monday 10am - 2pm
Activity: Arts & Craft & Welcome Back
For more information and contact details, please view this information flyer.

Tuning Into Teens Program

Kempsey Families Inc and headspace Kempsey will be running Tuning into Teens every Tuesday, from 9.30am to 12pms starting 18th February, through to 25th March. We have had great feedback from parents, carers and organisations who have participated in the program.
The program is open to all families, and/or staff working with teens.

When: 18th February to March 25th 2025 (Every Tuesday)

Time: 9.30am -12pm

Where: headspace Kempsey

Register: Call 6539 3459 - Kempsey headspace.

**Morning Tea provided**

More information can be found in the Tuning into Teens information flyer.

Tech Savvy Seniors – Introduction to the NSW Seniors Card

Find out why having a NSW Seniors Card is your gateway to discounts and bargains at this relaxed workshop.

If you’re over 60 and retired/semi-retired you can apply for a free NSW Seniors Card or, if you're still working, a Seniors Savers Card. Not sure if it’s worth the paperwork? Learn how to get the most out of your NSW Seniors Card, including how to find which businesses offer a discount on goods and services, your eligibility for getting concession rates on public transport, and more.

DATE: 26 February 2025

TIME: 10am - 12pm

LOCATION: Kempsey Library - 22 Tozer Street, West Kempsey

COST: Free

Introduction to Family History: Shipping Records

Are you stuck with your family history research? Would you like to learn more about shipping/passenger arrival records?

Please come along to our introductory 'Family History: Shipping Records' workshop, where volunteers at Kempsey Family History Group, Rozzi and Bruce, will share their tips and tricks.

DATE: 13 February 2025

TIME: 10am - 11.30am

LOCATION: Kempsey Library - 22 Tozer Street, West Kempsey

Bookings essential, maximum of 15 attendees per session.

To book please email yvette.mcalister@kempsey.nsw.gov.au or call 02 6566 3210.

Truth-telling Session for National Apology Day, with a Q&A Opportunity

In commemoration of the 17th anniversary of the National Apology, Kempsey Shire Council, together with Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation, will host a Truth-telling Session at the The Nulla Nulla Regional Gallery.

Be part of this insightful and emotional truth-telling session on National Apology Day, with three of the Uncles who were forcibly removed from their homes and grew up in the Kinchela Boys Home in Kempsey.

DATE: 13 February 2025

TIME: 1pm - 2.30pm

LOCATION: Nulla Nulla Regional Gallery at The Slim Dusty Centre - 490 Macleay Valley Way, South Kempsey

COST: Free

Author Talk with Wendy Haynes – Kempsey Library

Join visiting children's author Wendy Haynes for the book launch of her newest book 'Apprentice of the Stones', a fantasy fiction novel for 8 to 12-year-olds.

Explore what's behind the door in the woods with Wendy, as she discusses world building and offers an interactive session on avatar and character building.

DATE: Saturday, 8 February 2025

TIME: 10am - 11am

LOCATION: Kempsey Library - 22 Tozer Street, West Kempsey

COST: Free

Reserve your spot now by visiting the Eventbrite booking site.

‘We Were Just Little Boys’ Exhibition – Nulla Nulla Regional Gallery

The Nulla Nulla Regional Gallery is proud to host 'We Were Just Little Boys', a profoundly moving exhibition by Indigenous artist Tace Stevens. This compelling showcase provides an intimate window into a dark chapter of Australia’s history, capturing the resilience and stories of survivors of the Kinchela Aboriginal Boys’ Training Home. 

Through hauntingly evocative photographs and a poignant documentary, 'We Were Just Little Boys' brings to life the experiences of the Uncles - men who survived the traumatic years at Kinchela Boys Home.  

WHEN: Exhibition on display now through to Saturday, 22 February 2025

WHERE: The Nulla Nulla Regional Gallery at The Slim Dusty Centre - 490 Macleay Valley Way, Kempsey

COST: Free

New Program Supporting People across Hastings-Macleay

Hastings Neighbourhood Services are delivering a new program across the Hastings-Macleay, supporting people with disability, their families and carers with information, linkages and capacity building supports.

The program is located at Hastings Neighbourhood Services centres in Port Macquarie, Wauchope and Lake Cathie, and outreaches to Kempsey and Laurieton.

For more information visit the Hastings-Macleay website.

New Support Group – Spinal Injuries and Neurological Conditions

We are starting up a peer support group for people with spinal injuries and neurological conditions in Port Macquarie and would love to get as many people as we can.

When: Monday 3rd February 2025

Time: 10.30am -1pm

Where: McInherney Park, McInherney Close Port Macquarie

Family members and carers are welcome.

For more information, read the SCIA information flyer.

IGNITE Mini 2025 – Port Macquarie

Regional Development Australia Mid North Coast’s industry and community event, Ignite Mini 2025, is returning to the Mid North Coast! The Ignite Minis are in-person events, designed to provide the MNC community an opportunity for consultation on the priority areas of the RIF and other key aspects for our region.

Over the last week of February 2025, the RDAMNC team will be hosting three events across three different locations:

  • Surf Club, Coffs Harbour (Monday 24th, February 2025)
  • Woolshed, Valla Beach Tourist Park (Wednesday 26th, February 2025)
  • Charles Sturt University, Port Macquarie (Friday 28th, February 2025)

The change in locations from previous years provides equal opportunities for the diverse Mid North Coast community to attend, host, and participate in Ignite Mini 2025. We are looking to focus on manufacturing, agriculture, energy and waste with event agendas to be announced soon. 

If you have anyone in your contacts who you think would be interested in our event, please pass this on to them!

Visit the Humanitix website to secure your FREE ticket!  

North Coast Youth Vaping Taskforce Mini Forum

Addressing the issue of youth vaping in our community, this event aims to bring together stakeholders and community members to deepen understanding of this critical topic and collaboratively explore solutions that address local needs and concerns.

Event Details:

  • Date: Tuesday, 4th March 2025
  • Time: 9am – 12Ppm
  • Venue: Port Macquarie PCYC, 12 Owen Street

The forum will include:

  • learning about the latest youth vaping trends and impacts
  • sharing your experiences and perspectives
  • working with others to create community-based solutions to reduce youth vaping in your region.

Your voice is crucial in shaping a well-informed and effective approach to supporting the health and wellbeing of our youth. We encourage you to join us and contribute your perspectives to this vital conversation.
Please RSVP by COB on 17th February 2025 by scanning the QR code on the mini forum flyer or linking to the online form here.
Feel free to circulate to local youth organisations who you feel would find value in attending this session, we also aim to hold future sessions in Kempsey and Coffs Harbour later in the year.

Hannah’s Story – Coercive Control Awareness Session

This session is aimed at creating more awareness in the community of the early warning signs of coercive control through the tragic but inspirational story of Hannah Clarke, her three children and her family.

For more information about Hannah's Story visit:


When: Wednesday 19 February 2025

Time: 9:30am - 12pm

Location: Country Women's Association Port Macquarie Branch, 11 Horton Street, Port Macquarie NSW 2444

Register here

Fun Sport Mondays – Wauchope RSL Sub-Branch

Join Wauchope RSL sub-Branch for Fun Sport Mondays. Each sessions is a non-competitive sport session open to all ex-serving Defence members and their families. Each week has a new sport option led by Sports and Spinal Physiotherapy Clinics. Join in for a bit of fun!

DATE: Recommencing 17 February 2025

TIME: 9.30am - 10.45am

LOCATION: Andrews Park - Cameron St, Wauchope

For more information visit the RSL website.

Street Feast – Wauchope

Wauchope . . . Street Feast is coming to you with a big one!

Join in for a night of food trucks, dessert stalls, boutique retail stalls & music.

Full line up to be announced shortly so watch this space!.... Street Feast Wauchope

DATE: 8 March 2025

TIME: 4pm until late

LOCATION: Wauchope Showground - 93A High St, Wauchope

COST: $3 Entry Per Person

Bridge Lessons for Beginners

Port Macquarie Hastings Bridge Club will be conducting a series of lessons, offered using a successful method which has guided many new players through their bridge journey. Once the series is completed, we continue to offer supervised and mentored play.

Join our beginners class, as bridge is great for mental agility, having fun and making new friends. It's an affordable hobby which is easily accessed and not weather dependent. You may have played previously and want to join for a refresher course before participating in regular play.

DATE: Commencing Friday, 7th March

TIME: 10am - 12:pm

LOCATION: The Bridge Club's purpose-built premises at 176 Hastings River Drive, Port Macquarie (on the left just past the Harvey Norman store).

COST: First lesson is free, then the cost is $5 per lesson + $15 student membership, which is payable after Lesson 2.

For bookings or enquiries contact Carolyn 0404 989 895 or Tom 0439 198 751.

Hastings Valley Archery Club Open Day

Have you ever wanted to try archery? Hastings Valley Archery Club Open Day shoots are the perfect opportunity! Whether you're 8 or 80, archery is a sport for everyone - if you can pull a bow, you’re welcome to attend!

Open Day Dates for 2025:

  • 16th March 2025
  • 18th May 2025
  • 20th July 2025
  • 21st September 2025
  • 16th November 2025

Each Open Day features two sessions:

  • First Session: 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM
  • Second Session: 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM

All open day events are held at the Hasting Valley Archery Club - corner Burrawan Forest Dr & Cowarra Access Rd, Lake Innes

What’s Included?

For just $30 per person, you'll receive:

  • all necessary equipment
  • personalised instruction
  • a variety of targets to shoot at
  • a drink and a small snack.

For more information and to secure your spot, visit the Council's event webpage.

Social Girls’ Cricket Come & Try Day

'Come & Try' Social Girls' Cricket is coming to Port Macquarie! Play cricket with your friends and hit sixes and fours – just like backyard cricket!

The Social Girls Cricket Come and Try Day is a FREE all-girls program. The program is designed for girls to learn new skills and have fun along the way.

Note: Please ensure participants wear activewear, and bring a water bottle, hat and sunscreen. All cricket equipment will be provided.

DATE: Monday, 10 February 2025

TIME: 4.30pm - 6pm

LOCATION: Port Macquarie PCYC - 12 Owen St, Port Macquarie

COST: Free

Registration required for this event. Visit the Cricket NSW website to register.

Book Launch with Wendy Haynes – Port Macquarie Library

Join visiting children's author Wendy Haynes for the book launch of her newest book 'Apprentice of the Stones', a fantasy fiction novel for 8 to 12-year-olds.

Explore what's behind the door in the woods with Wendy, as she discusses world building, and offers an interactive session on avatar and character building.

DATE: Friday, 7 February 2025

TIME: 4.30pm - 5.30pm

LOCATION: Port Macquarie Library - Grant Street, Port Macquarie

COST: Free

For more information and to reserve your spot, visit the Port Hastings Council website.

Cinema Under the Stars

Newcastle Permanent’s Cinema under the Stars is bringing a world of pure imagination to Port Macquarie this summer, so join in this wonderful evening of FREE family-friendly fun.

Here’s what you can look forward to:

  • An open-air screening of Wonka (2023, PG) at sundown
  • Free popcorn
  • Live music to get you grooving
  • Fun activities for the kids
  • Tasty food options from local vendors

A family-friendly event. Car parking and public toilets available.

DATE: 22 February 2025

TIME: 5.30pm - 10pm

LOCATION: Westport Park - Park Street, Port Macquarie

COST: Free

Blue Sky Community Services – Positions Vacant

Work with us… to make a difference in people’s lives

A career at Blue Sky is rewarding and fulfilling. Our work environment is supportive and flexible, and our culture is positive and values based.

We have organisational values that are lived workplace practices. At Blue Sky Community Services we value optimism and innovation, integrity and respect, inclusion and diversity, and connection and kindness.

We believe that the make-up of our workplace should reflect the diversity of the communities we work with.

We strongly encourage people from diverse backgrounds and cultures, and people who have lived experience of disability, to apply to work with us.

There are currently a number of positions available, both part time and full-time hours in multiple locations.

  • Administration Assistant - Coffs Harbour
  • People and Culture Manager - Coffs Harbour
  • Aged Care Assessors Part time (Coffs Harbour, Taree/MidCoast, New England, Tweed Heads/Ballina)

For more information on the available roles, please visit our positions vacant page: Positions Vacant - Blue Sky Community Services

Conquering Skin Cancer – Documentary Film Screening

Immerse yourself in a story that explores our complex relationship with the sun. Conquering Skin Cancer follows the remarkable stories of famous Aussie change-makers including Hugh Jackman, as they seek to conquer this preventable disease. Conquering Skin Cancer is not your average documentary; it's a compelling social-impact film with a mission to prevent skin cancer. Conquering Skin Cancer calls for an unprecedented push in prevention, greater access to life-saving care, and crucial investments in cutting-edge treatments and research. Weaving together compelling and emotional stories from survivors, advocates, and world-leading experts, the second installment in the international Conquering Cancer Campaign delves into how everybody can live safely under the sun.

The film will be screened at Majestic Cinemas at these locations:

  • Port Macquarie
  • Kempsey
  • Nambucca Heads
  • Sawtell
  • Armidale

When:  Wednesday 12th February 2025


Read the information Flyer here

Pocket Speechie: Text-based Information for Preschool Aged Children is back for 2025

Pocket Speechie is a health promotion project developed by the HNEkids Community Based Speech Pathology team in the Hunter New England Local Health District.  Written by speech pathologists, Pocket Speechie delivers helpful information and activities to parents, carers, and educators via SMS.  The messages are aimed at improving health and literacy outcomes, and to provide tips to help children get ready for kindergarten.  The strategies may be new or simply offer a different way of doing something.

Topics covered in the text message service include:

  • Typical speech sound development
  • Vocabulary and language development
  • Book sharing
  • Hearing and the links with speech and language
  • Transition to school and school readiness

Register at any time using the QR code:

Or visit: https://qars.cec.health.nsw.gov.au/Survey?p=1EC24201

Art Comp – Entries close on 14th February 

We are excited to announce that Round Three of the #StopItBeforeItStarts Art Competition is now underway, and we would love your support in engaging artists, including students, to participate in this important violence prevention initiative.

Violence prevention is a critical issue in Australia, and the need for creative ways to raise awareness has never been more urgent. This competition allows artists to share their powerful voices through digital media, visual art, and written narratives, amplifying the message of preventing violence in our communities.

With the generous support of our sponsor, the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM), we are thrilled to offer multiple opportunities for artists to win prize money, gain visibility, and contribute to this vital cause. To date, we’ve awarded $2,000 in prizes to our winners and runners-up, and there’s even more to win: the People's Choice Award of $500 and $250 each for our next round of winners.

Please read the Art Comp flyer for registration details.

‘Big Feelings’ Online Parenting Workshop

  • Discuss tricky or overwhelming behaviours in children and teenagers. 
  • Build knowledge about brain development and our autonomic nervous system, increase awareness of stress responses and what this looks like in action.
  • Gain strategies to support ourselves and our children to soothe, calm and move through our stress responses.

When: 14th February 10:30 - 11:30
Where: Online

For more information read the workshop flyer. 

Mindframe Quick Guides for Communication around Mental Health

The words we use are so important, especially when we talk about mental health.

Mindframe supports safe media reporting, portrayal and communication about suicide, mental health concerns, alcohol and other drugs.

Mindframe's quick reference guides provide amazing support to people and organisations about respectful and supportive communication relating to mental health.

Check them out HERE.

Subscribe to Blue Sky’s YouTube Channel!

Have you subscribed to Blue Sky's YouTube channel yet? If not, do it now!

You can watch educational videos to build your disability awareness and confidence, learn sign language, learn about sensory awareness and sensory tools, find out about Blue Sky projects, and don't miss the Ask Away video series starring people with lived experience of disability sharing important information.

So much great stuff is available, so check out the Blue Sky YouTube channel here!

Keep Your Eyes Peeled for Inclusion Boards within the MNC!

Keep an eye out for these colourful inclusion boards in hospitals and community health centres across the Mid North Coast Local Health District! The boards have been developed as part of Blue Sky Community Services' Enhancing Inclusion in the Health System project, with the QR code taking the scanner to important information and resources that support inclusion in the health system for people with disability. You can check out these important resources on the Blue Sky Community Services website.

5 Ss Housing Assistance Flowchart Resource for Community Service Workers

Local housing support workers and the Child and Family Interagency groups across the Mid North Coast, recently formed working groups to create localised resources. These flowcharts help guide community service workers and volunteers through the process required to support families experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of becoming homeless.

The flowcharts break the process into five steps - Safety and Services, Shelter, Situation, Support and Self-Care (5 Ss). Local support services are highlighted throughout.

There is a version available for each of the following regions: Coffs Harbour, Nambucca Valley, Bellingen, Kempsey, Port Macquarie Hastings and Mid Coast (Taree/Forster/Gloucester).

The resources are beneficial for workers in organisations where housing support is not their core business, however, they support customers who may also be experiencing challenges with securing or maintaining housing. This assists the worker to maintain a holistic and supportive approach to families and foster relationships and trust. 

Head to the Blue Sky Community Services website to learn more about the 5 Ss and to download the latest versions for each region.

Concessions, Rebates and Assistance – Service NSW

Support is available across a wide range of household bills and activities. Find out what you could be eligible for! It could be a Companion Card, assistance with cost of living or simply how to navigate services.

Visit the Service NSW website

Do you have a news article to submit?

Did you know you can submit a wide range of community-related information such as grants, job listings, events and activities to Blue Sky?

We will publish it on your behalf and you will reach a large audience with thousands of people viewing our website and reading our newsletters monthly.