What we do
Get Connected Toormina (GCT) is a community engagement project whose stakeholders include community members, elders, police, NGOs, government agencies, and businesses. Stakeholders work together to support, identify and initiate activities that strengthen individual and community wellbeing for young people and families in the Toormina area.
Who it's for
Primarily for young people, families, businesses and community members who live or work in the Toormina area.
How we assist you
The project brings the community together to look at how local social issues can be addressed, and to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for children, young people and families living in the Toormina area. It also aims to create a sense of community pride in shared spaces.
When we are available
You can view our website 24 hours a day!

How to reach us
We welcome anyone interested in being part of the GCT project! These can be community members, NGOs, sporting groups, businesses and government agencies. Contact us to find out more, check out the GCT website, attend our monthly meetings, or come and talk to us during one of our events.

What the team's been working on
The GCT project, with Blue Sky as the lead, facilitates the Toormi Connect fortnightly after-school events held at the Toormina Skate Park. Services (including PCYC and NSW Police) build relationships and engage with young people through sports and other activities. Food is donated by a local business.

The local New South Wales Police has anecdotally reported a reduction in anti-social behaviour on the days we run activities, like Toormi Connect, when young people are engaged in something they enjoy.
Other details about Get Connected Toormina
GCT also has a Local Drug Action Team (LDAT). We work with the community to identify protective factors which can prevent alcohol and drug issues from forming in the first place. Our current LDAT activity is working with key partners to facilitate fortnightly Aboriginal Women’s Wellbeing Circles. These provide an opportunity for women to have conversations on what matters for them as mothers, aunties, sisters or caregivers of young people going to school in the Toormina area.