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Feeling free and independent

Meet Catherine:

Catherine reached out to Blue Sky as she was no longer able to propel herself in a manual wheelchair, and she couldn’t lift her wheelchair in and out of her car as she had been doing previously. She didn’t have any informal supports, so was fully dependent on support workers for any community access. This limited her freedom and she couldn’t take part in social and leisure activities, so had become socially isolated.

A Plan Reassessment was completed and Catherine now has a powered wheelchair, a wheelchair trailer to tow behind the car, and a wheelchair hoist to lift the wheelchair on and off the trailer.

Receiving this support means Catherine is now able to complete all tasks independently, and to access and enjoy the community for social and recreational activities, without relying on support workers. She says this has been life changing for her, with her favourite change being able to go out and have a cuppa, visit her favourite local places whenever she wants, and just look out over the ocean by herself, feeling free and independent.