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We support home care service providers looking to work more effectively. We offer training, meetings, forums and resources.
The My Aged Care Single Assessment Service is designed for older Australians who are seeking access to government-subsidised aged care services.
Be Young and Proud Group A safe place for LGBTQIA+ young people and friends to meet, talk, and build community!
We raise awareness and provide environments that meet everyone’s needs - and yours too.
This program assists healthcare staff to further knowledge, skills, and confidence in supporting patients with disability.
An emergency relief program that offers assistance with budgeting, information about other services and access to food/petrol vouchers.
Get Connected Toormina (GCT) is a community engagement project whose stakeholders include community members, elders, police, NGOs, government agencies, and businesses.
The Grandcarers project supports grandparents who are full-time carers for their grandchildren.
An inclusive, fun and friendly drop-in space. Located in beautiful Gumbaynggirr Country in the centre of Coffs Harbour.
We harness, build and extend children’s capabilities and interests. By strengthening our children’s sense of belonging, inclusion and wellbeing, they create safe, positive, and trusting relationships.
We help our community promote awareness and understanding of inclusion, and provide guidance on how to create a welcoming environment for all people.
The Inclusive Learning in Schools project offers free educational lesson plans and resources that celebrate and promote inclusion, belonging, diversity and difference.
We offer professional training, workshops and events specifically tailored to the Community Services Sector.
Providing support to young people who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness to find and keep a safe place they can call home.
Our Local Area Coordinators (LACs) provide personalised care and assistance to participants accessing the NDIS.
Coaching for people with a psychosocial disability to maintain relationships, manage service delivery tasks and live more independently.
Support Coordination is a capacity-building service funded by the NDIS. Depending on your circumstances, this service may be included in your NDIS plan.
We deliver the Targeted Earlier Intervention program across the Mid North Coast.
The Living Well Expo brings service providers and community members together, allowing people to understand the services available within their location.
A platform for local services and anyone working with young people to share information, cooperate in events/programs, and support one another.
A free service that works with young people and their families, parents and carers to ensure young people are safe and connected.
Plan Management assists and supports you in taking care of the administrative side of your NDIS plan.