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March 2025

Welcome to Connections

This newsletter is for community members and services across the Mid North Coast, it’s full of useful information to keep us connected and up to date with what’s going on in our communities.

Free Parenting Programs – Groundworks Youth & Family Hub

Blue Sky Community Services is facilitating a range of upcoming parenting programs. These are free programs, with refreshments provided and lunch provided for the Tuning Into Teens all-day session. There are online and face-to-face sessions available for the Teen Tactics, #Addicted, School Avoidance and the Age of Rage Programs.

For more information about any of the upcoming programs, please contact Groundworks Youth Centre on:

Phone: (02) 5632 4020 or (02) 5632 4021
Email: yfs@bluesky.org.au

Teen Tactics: Navigating teenage defiance, peer pressure and risk-taking 

Mon, 19 May, 10am - 12pm AEST
Mon, 19 May, 4:30pm - 6:30pm AEST 
#Addicted: Raising teens in an age of social media addiction
Mon, 5 May, 10am - 12pm AEST(Opens in new tab)
Mon, 5 May, 4:30pm - 6:30pm AEST 
School Avoidance: Overcoming school-related stress and anxiety
Mon, 7 Apr, 10am - 12pm AEST(Opens in new tab)
Mon, 7 Apr, 4:30pm - 6:30pm AEST(Opens in new tab)
Mon, 12 May, 10am - 12pm AEST(Opens in new tab)
Mon, 12 May, 4:30pm - 6:30pm AEST 
Age of Rage: Responding to your teen's anger and aggression
Mon, 26 May, 10am - 12pm AEST(Opens in new tab)
Mon, 26 May, 4:30pm - 6:30pm AEST

Conversations About Gambling – FREE Mental Health First Aid Workshop

FREE Mental Health First Aid Workshop, supporting people struggling with gambling.

When: Thursday, 6th March 2025

Time: 10am – 2.30pm

Where: Coffs Harbour Neighbourhood Centre, 22 Earl Street, Coffs Harbour
Morning tea and lunch provided

If your organisation works with vulnerable people, chances are you will come across people who are struggling with gambling – something that would be greatly impacting all areas of their lives.
This FREE WORKSHOP will teach front line workers how to provide first aid support to someone experiencing gambling harm or a gambling-related mental health crisis.
The course will cover:
•    the signs of gambling harm including how to recognise and respond to suicidal thoughts
•    how to start a conversation about gambling
•    what support is available in the Coffs Harbour area.

Who can benefit from this course?
•    Friends and family of people experiencing gambling harm
•    Staff and volunteers who work with vulnerable people
•    Anyone interested in finding out more about gambling harm.

BOOK HERE on the Eventbrite site 

For more information about the course content, go to: Conversations about Gambling - Mental Health First Aid Australia webpage
If you have any questions, please feel free to call Leigh, Gambling Harm Program Coordinator on: 0433 831 403.

Our Living Coast – Coffs Harbour Events

Our Living Coast is your sustainable living hub for the Coffs Harbour, Bellingen and Nambucca Council areas.

Here you can find out about local events and get tips to inspire you to live sustainably and enjoy a happy, healthy and meaningful life.

Stay in touch by subscribing to the monthly e-newsletter and liking the Facebook page.

Enjoy browsing Our Living Coast to see what’s here for you and remember to add this site to your favourites.

For upcoming events in your area visit: Our Living Coast Website

Free Grant Writing Workshops

Develop YOUR grant writing SKILLS to better support YOUR community!

OzGreen is partnering with City of Coffs Harbour to host three free Grant Writing Workshops at Boambee East, Nana Glen and Woolgoolga.

OzGREEN’s freelance grant writer Anna Juodvalkis is the facilitator for these workshops.

Anna will share her grant writing formula and demonstrate, step by step, how to secure a government grant for your community project.⁠ The presentation will cover:

  • What government grants are and why they are important⁠.
  • How your community needs can be matched to government funding priorities⁠.
  • How to find government grantmakers best suited to your project.⁠
  • How to organise your time and your thoughts to write a winning grant using a proven eight step formula!

WHEN: Tuesday 11 March 2025
TIME: 5.30PM to 7PM

WHEN: Wednesday 19 March 2025
TIME: 5.30PM to 7PM

WHEN: Thursday 20 March 2025
TIME: 5.30PM to 7PM

Limited places BOOK TODAY!
Tea and coffee provided

Read more and register HERE.

Endometriosis & Pelvic Pain Education Day

When: Saturday 8th March 2025

Time: 9am - 3:30pm

Where: Coffs Harbour Racecourse

The Coffs Harbour Women’s Health Centre is hosting an educational event designed to increase awareness and understanding about endometriosis and pelvic pain. This marks the second year the CHWHC is organising this annual event, with a fantastic program and new speakers.

  • Learn more about endometriosis and other pelvic pain conditions.
  • Hear from experts in the field.
  • Meet our health professionals who are part of the EPP clinic.
  • Connect with others with similar stories and experience.s

Highlights of the program:

  • Dr Aaron Budden - (Gynaecologist and Obstetrician)
  • Endometriosis & Pelvic Pain Clinic (EPP Clinic) - Heidi Mortimer (Women’s Health Physiotherapist)
  • Diet and Endometriosis - Faye Levine (Women’s Health Dietitian)
  • Work and Endometriosis – Heidi Mortimer (Women’s Health Physiotherapist)
  • Sex & Endometriosis – Berry Jones (Women’s Health Nurse)
  • Mildness practice - Jill Hely (Psychologist)
  • Q & A session with clinicians

Tickets are $20 + booking fee (we also have sponsored places available - contact Jen at the Women’s Health Centre on 02 6652 8111).

For more information see the event flyer.

Book here on the Health Voyage website

Assisting Women with the Law Workshop

Assisting Women with the Law Workshop

  • Domestic Violence & the New Coercive Control Laws
  • Changes to the Family Law Amendment Act: Property and Parenting Matters
  • Apprehended Violence Orders
  • Victims Support
  • Employment/Discrimination* in relation to DV matters

Where: C.ex Club, Coffs Harbour
When: Thursday, 13th March 2025
Time: 9:30am – 3:30pm

Tickets are $50 per service (including 3 attendees) or $20 for an individual ticket to cover catering costs – to read more or purchase tickets please view the flyer attached or visit our event page here: https://events.humanitix.com/legal-training-nsw

End of Life Law for Clinicians Workshop – Coffs Harbour

An interactive ELLC workshop involving discussion of end of life law and decision-making through a clinical case study. Learn about the common and complex legal issues in end of life care and your legal roles and obligations.

Topics include:

  • capacity and consent to medical treatment
  • substitute decision-making
  • withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining medical treatment
  • futile or non-beneficial treatment
  • providing pain and symptom relief
  • Advance Care Directives

This workshop is for clinicians and senior team members of aged care providers (residential and community), GPs, and other primary care professionals with older patients.

DATE: Tuesday, 18th March 2025

TIME: 6pm - 8pm

LOCATION: Coffs Harbour Surf Club - 23 Surf Club Road, Coffs Harbour

To find out more, and to register, visit the Healthy North Coast website.

Suicide Prevention Workshop – Coffs Harbour

Wesley LifeForce suicide prevention training equips participants with the knowledge and skills to increase awareness of suicide in Australia, identify the signs that someone may be at risk of suicide and appropriate action to take. Effective interventions can make a real difference and save lives. Our programs aim at training individuals from all walks of life, as well as organisational groups. All Wesley LifeForce facilitators are accredited trainers and have completed suicide intervention training. Below you will find an outline of our workshops.

A six hour suicide prevention training workshop is on offer in Kempsey for free.

DATE: Monday, 24th March 2025

TIME: 9am - 4pm

LOCATION: Coffs Coast Community College - 98 Harbour Drive Coffs Harbour

COST: Free

Limited spots available so secure your attendance now by visiting the workshop page on the Eventbrite website.

Suicide Prevention Workshop – Woolgoolga

Wesley LifeForce suicide prevention training equips participants with the knowledge and skills to increase awareness of suicide in Australia, identify the signs that someone may be at risk of suicide and appropriate action to take. Effective interventions can make a real difference and save lives. Our programs aim at training individuals from all walks of life, as well as organisational groups. All Wesley LifeForce facilitators are accredited trainers and have completed suicide intervention training. Below you will find an outline of our workshops.

A 6-hour suicide prevention training workshop is on offer in Woolgoolga for free.

DATE: Tuesday, 15th April 2025

TIME: 9am - 4pm

LOCATION: Wiigulga Sports Complex - Solitary Islands Way, Woolgoolga

COST: Free

Limited spots available so secure your attendance now by visiting the workshop page on the Eventbrite website.

Building Resilience Workshop – Toormina

The Wesley LifeForce Building Resilience workshop gives participants the chance to take ownership of their mental health and build new strategies to control their thoughts and emotions. Participants reflect on the personal management of their own mental health, in collaboration with others, and end the workshop with new techniques and healthy habits.

This free workshop is on offer in Toormina.

DATE: Tuesday, 29th April 2025

TIME: 10am - 3pm

LOCATION: The Link - 631 Hogbin Drive Toormina

COST: Free

Spots are limited, so secure your attendance now by visiting the workshop page on the Eventbrite site.

Come Sing with Singlish – Free Community Choir

Singlish is a free community choir that is welcoming of everyone, no singing experience is necessary!

DATE: Every Friday during school terms (no choir meetings during school holidays)

TIME: 3-4.30pm

LOCATION: Cavanbah Centre Room B, 191 Harbour Drive Coffs Harbour

COST: Free

For more information contact STARTTS on ph: 0478983884.

Digital Sisters for Myanmar Women – Free Tech Skills

Free support and training for Burmese women, to deepen their skills with emails and phones. 


  • Saturday, 22nd March
  • Sunday, 23rd March
  • Saturday, 29th March
  • Sunday, 30th March

Time: 1pm-3pm

Read the Digital Sisters flyer in Burmese for more details.

Please contact the wonderful Burmese Digital Mentors Thang Bu (0401 156212) or Khaw Lam (0469 379470) or email Lauren@chnc.com.au if you would like to attend. 

Gambling Recovery Group

Join the new Gambling Recovery Group at Coffs Harbour Neighbourhood Centre. They’re here for people who want to take control of their gambling habits and make lasting changes.

The facilitators provide support with respect, free of judgement. Whether your goal is complete abstinence or moderation, they are there for you - even if you slip up.

When: Every Tuesday

Time: 10.30am -12pm

For more information read the Gambling Support Flyer.

The group is FREE, with no registration required. Just show up or call Leigh at (02) 6648 3663.

Adulting on the Spectrum- Neurodiverse Adults Social Group

Are you someone who has been diagnosed as an adult with autism or neurodivergence? If so, we warmly invite you to join our supportive community. Here, you'll find others who understand your unique experiences and challenges. Whether you're looking for advice, friendship or simply a place to share your story, our group is here for you. Let's connect, support each other and celebrate our neurodiversity together.

  • Meet up fortnightly.
  • Make a safe and inclusive environment.
  • Share tips on managing daily life.
  • Create social connections.

When: Every second Thursday of the month

Time: 10.30am - 11.30am

Where: 2D Coffeehouse, Yarilla Place ( Library), 27 Gordon Street, Coffs Harbour.

To see the next date for catch up please see our Facebook Event Page.

For more information and any requests, please contact:

Lynda Warwick - 0417 878 391 - lynda.warwick@ndis.gov.au or Julie Ferguson - 0421 430 175 - coffsact@gmail.com

Our Living Coast – Bellingen Events

Our Living Coast is your sustainable living hub for the Coffs Harbour, Bellingen and Nambucca Council areas.

Here you can find out about local events and get tips to inspire you to live sustainably and enjoy a happy, healthy and meaningful life.

Stay in touch by subscribing to the monthly e-newsletter and liking the Facebook page.

Enjoy browsing Our Living Coast to see what’s here for you and remember to add this site to your favourites.

For upcoming events in your area visit: Our Living Coast Website

Bellingen Seniors Festival 2025

Bellingen Shire Council in collaboration with various services and community groups is excited to offer a range of activities and events for the Seniors Festival 2025. All events are FREE!

Read the Seniors Festival Flyer here. The full program is also available in hardcopy at the Libraries and Council Admin Centre.

A full list of events is also available on the Bellingen Shire Council website.

Highlights include:

  • Memorial Hall Tour and Service Stalls Expo and morning tea – Thursday, 6th March
  • Lions Club lunch at the Bellingen Showgrounds
  • Aqua aerobics
  • Strength and balance and movement classes
  • Tour of the Dorrigo Water treatment plant
  • Tech Help
  • Film screenings
  • Palliative Care talk
  • Creative Expressions presentation

We hope you’ll find something to come along to and enjoy and please forward to anyone you think may be interested.

Any questions please call 6655 7300 or email community@bellingen.nsw.gov.au

International Women’s Day Music Fest

This year's IWD theme is Accelerate Action, for gender equality. Join us on 8th March for a march through town that will bring us to Bellingen Golf Club, where Auntie Alison Buchanan will start the festival with a Welcome to Country. Then enjoy a day and evening of artisan stalls, poetry, speakers, raffles, face painting, food, beverages and the musical talents of our local women musos.

Where: Bellingen Golf Club

When: Saturday, 8th March 2025

More info can be found on the Hot Mess Facebook page or in the Event Flyer

Contact the organisers Hot Mess Punk Band (Jo, Sarah, Cole) at hot.mess.punk@gmail.com if you would like to have a stall.

Bellingen Autumn Plant Fair

Where: Bellingen Park

When: Saturday, 8th March 2025

Time: 7.30am – 1pm

More info can be found on the Bellingen Plant Fair website.

There is never been a better time to plant more plants and learn more about plants and planting!

  • Growers Markets
  • Ethical
  • Great Coffee
  • Workshops
  • Over 89 Stallholders

The Bellingen Plant Fair is a non-profit event supporting local plant growers. We are on a mission to get more plants in our earth. All profits from the Plant Fair support the important work of the Bellingen Environment Centre Inc.

Bellingen Shire Youth Art Exhibitions and Prizes!

Announcing the Bellingen Shire Youth Art Exhibitions and Prizes! Held during Youth Week April 9th-17th, the theme is "We are the Future, The Future is Now".

To enter, you need to be between 12 and 25 years of age and live in the Bellingen Shire. Enter up to 3 pieces - you can enter a sculpture, painting, drawing it's up to you!

We have free canvas and paint and brush sets to give away to entrants, available until they run out. You can pick up an entry form and materials from our Neighbourhood Centres in Dorrigo, Bellingen and Urunga. 

For all entry details and to download an entry form go to the Neighbourhood Centres website and/or read the Information Flyer

Need help? Contact our friendly teams on

  • Bellingen (02) 6655 1239
  • Dorrigo 0438 735 904
  • Urunga (02) 6655 6993

Or email: community@ncobs.org.au

They will have more details about the exhibitions and opening nights soon!

Entries close 1st April.

River Sounds Festival 2025

The River Sounds Festival is on again this year at the Bellingen Showground!! A huge line up of artists, and tickets are available now.

When: Saturday, 5th April

Time: Gates open at 10.45am

Where: Bellingen Showground

**Camping is available onsite and must be booked prior**

For more information see read the flyer here or visit the River Sounds Festival website.

What’s On at the Bellingen Memorial Hall

Bellingen Memorial Hall hosts a wide variety of events and workshops throughout the year - from arts to films to music and everything in between.

Check out their website to see what is coming up: Home | Bellingen Memorial Hall website

They have some fantastic new facilities that are for hire too - it might be just what you are looking for in hosting an event - including accessible facilities! Venue Hire | Bellingen Memorial Hall

Our Living Coast – Nambucca Events

Our Living Coast is your sustainable living hub for the Coffs Harbour, Bellingen and Nambucca Council areas.

Here you can find out about local events and get tips to inspire you to live sustainably and enjoy a happy, healthy and meaningful life.

Stay in touch by subscribing to the monthly e-newsletter and liking the Facebook page.

Enjoy browsing Our Living Coast to see what’s here for you and remember to add this site to your favourites.

For upcoming events in your area visit: Our Living Coast Website

Bowraville Health and Wellbeing Expo

Rural Recovery Support Service, MNC Local Health and NSW Farmers have teamed up to bring a Health & Wellbeing Expo to Bowraville.

Come along for afternoon tea and a chance to interact with stallholders to understand how local services may assist with your health, wellbeing and recovery from adverse events.

When: Friday 4th April 2025

Where: Bowraville Sports Hub, Coronation Street Bowraville

Time: 2pm-4pm

For more information, please read the Exoo flyer.

Nambucca Valley – Seeking Youth Council Partnering

Nambucca Valley Council is seeking to form a Youth Council. We want our first meeting of the Youth Council to be in Youth Week.
 The Youth Council will advise Nambucca Valley Council on the issues that matter to young people (local and global) and provide advice to Council when seeking their input.
 The Youth Council will also build capacity in not only civic leadership and governance, but also in designing our events, art and public spaces, informing our strategies, and the services we deliver that could help empower young people. They can inform Council on recognition of young people in our community, and on the big issues that challenge them and concerns for the future.
We're reaching out to see if any organisations are interested in partnering. Council is happy to be the backbone organisation, we are just seeking guidance, connection to young people, and any support facilitating them to get together and co-design their own Youth Council with us.
Anyone interested in discussing what partnering could look like and how we can work together, get in touch – Jocelyn Box 0492 248 533 or email jocelyn.box@nambucca.nsw.gov.au.

Girrwaa Duguula (People Together) Choir

If you love learning about culture and language and/or you love to sing, this is the choir for you!

The Choir is called Girrwaa Duguula which means 'People Together' in Gumbaynggirr.

It is free and open to all.

Date: Every Wednesday during school terms (choir does not meet during school holidays)

Time: 6pm - 8pm

Location: Talarm Community Hall - corner Talarm Road & Rhones Creek Road, Talarm

Cost: Free

For more information contact Ruth via email: cosmorocka@gmail.com, or call 0413288066.

Circle Of Security – Parenting Course

Circle of Security is designed for parents and carers who would like to support their children to build secure relationships. This course is FREE to families with children and is held over 8 consecutive Thursdays.

When: 13th February to 3rd April 2025

Time: 10am -12 noon

Where: Nambucca Heads

Contact: lparth@uniting.org 02 7206 5801

Please view the information flyer to register your interest and for further information about the course.

2025 Macleay Youth Laneway Festival

Get into the festival vibe!

The Macleay Youth Laneway Festival is an opportunity for everyone to get together and celebrate our youth, admire their talents and recognise the valuable contribution they make to our community as part of our local celebrations for Youth Week NSW. It is also a chance celebrate the vibrant laneways that have been revitalised in the Kempsey CBD.

Date: Saturday 12th April 2025

Time: 2pm - 6pm

Location: Clyde Street, Kempsey

Everyone is invited to attend the festival. So many activities, many for free, so much fun! A full list of activities and event map will be available soon!

To stay across festival details as they come to light, keep your eyes on the Kempsey Council website.

Koala Care and Conservation Information Session

Koala Conservation Australia (KCA) is a not-for-profit organisation based in Port Macquarie, that rescues, rehabilitates and researches koalas, and works to conserve their habitat.

Come along to an information session, run by wonderful KCA volunteers, to learn more about koalas, the threats they face, and what you can do to protect them. Learn about the 'Guulabaa' Wild Koala Breeding Program, the crucial roles that volunteers play, and how you could get involved with this important charity.

Meet at Kempsey Library at 10:15am, and library staff will accompany you to the Kempsey Council Committee Room, where this event will be held.

Date: Friday 14th March 2025

Time: 10.15am - 11.15am

Location: Kempsey Library - 22 Tozer Street West Kempsey

Cost: Free

For more information and to register your spot, visit the Kempsey Council website.

Kempsey Clinical Society – Social Prescribing

Connecting Health and Community: Unlocking the Power of Social Prescribing

Healthy North Coast's next round of Clinical Societies will have an increased focus on networking, while still gaining knowledge at the same time. Join them for dinner, discussion and a deep dive into unlocking the power of social prescribing.

Social prescribing is an evidence-based, contemporary approach to health and wellbeing gaining significant ground around the world. This event will explore the growing impact of social prescribing on health and wellbeing, focusing on its outcomes for health systems, providers and communities.

This network is for GPs, GP registrars, nurses, allied health clinicians, pharmacists, practice managers, Aboriginal health practitioners and other Primary Healthcare clinicians.

Date: Tuesday, 11th March 2025

Time: 6pm - 8.15pm

Location: The Garden Bar & Kitchen - 1/5 Remembrance Way Frederickton

To find out more and to RSVP, visit the Healthy North Coast website.

Suicide Prevention Workshop – Kempsey

Wesley LifeForce suicide prevention training equips participants with the knowledge and skills to increase awareness of suicide in Australia, identify the signs that someone may be at risk of suicide and appropriate action to take. Effective interventions can make a real difference and save lives. Our programs aim at training individuals from all walks of life, as well as organisational groups. All Wesley LifeForce facilitators are accredited trainers and have completed suicide intervention training. Below you will find an outline of our workshops.

A six hour suicide prevention training workshop is on offer in Kempsey for free.

Date: Monday, 10th March 2025

Time: 9am - 4pm

Location: Kempsey Macleay RSL Club - 1 York Lane Kempsey

Cost: Free

Limited spots available so secure your attendance now by visiting the event page on the Eventbrite site.

Assisting Women with the Law Workshop – Port Macquarie

This workshop is for practitioners who assist women and will cover:

  • Domestic Violence and the new Coercive Control Laws
  • Changes to the Family Law Amendment Act: Property and Parenting Matters
  • Apprehended Violence Orders
  • Victims Support
  • Employment/Discrimination in relation to DV matters

Where: The Glasshouse, Port Macquarie
When: Tuesday, 11th March 2025
Time: 9:30am – 3:30pm
Tickets are $50 per service (including 3 attendees) or $20 for an individual ticket, to cover catering costs – to read more or purchase tickets please visit the event page on the Humanitix website.

Port Macquarie Colour Frenzy

Experience the extraordinary Colour Frenzy event in Port Macquarie, where vibrant colours, exhilarating fun, and non-stop excitement await you and your family. Gather your loved ones, friends, or colleagues and join the countless individuals who will be walking, jogging, skipping, hopping, or running together in this extraordinary adventure filled with vibrant colours, thrilling obstacles, exciting games, and fantastic giveaways.

Here’s what makes this event perfect for kids and families:

  • Colourful Fun Run
  • Foam/Bubble Machine
  • Obstacles
  • Colour Stations
  • Games and Giveaways
  • Free Professional Photography

This event is not just about having a great time; it also supports local animal rescues in Port Macquarie, adding meaning to the experience.

Date: Sunday, 13th April 2025

Time: 8.30am - 12pm

Location: Stuart Park - 2 Woods Street Port Macquarie

Cost: Multiple ticket options and prices available on the Colour Frenzy website. For families with young children, kids under the age of five can participate in the fun run for just $5. This special pricing ensures that families with little ones can partake in the excitement affordably.

For more information and to book tickets visit the Colour Frenzy website.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Show

One of the most-read and famous children’s books of all time, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, emerges off the page in a masterful theatrical experience for children 18 months and above and their adults.

Created by Jonathan Rockefeller, the production features a menagerie of over 75 magical puppets, including the star of the show – The Very Hungry Caterpillar – and an Australian cast who bring these beloved books to life on stage.

Alongside The Very Hungry Caterpillar, the show features three other Eric Carle stories – Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, Ten Little Rubber Ducks, and The Very Busy Spider.

Date: Wednesday, 12th March 2025

Time: 3 sessions available: 10-10.50am, 12-12.50pm and 4.30-5.20pm

Location: Glasshouse Theatre - 30 Clarence Street, Port Macquarie

Cost: $30

For more information and to book your tickets, visit the Glasshouse website.

Hastings River Oyster and Prawn Festival

Get ready for a spectacular day of family fun and seafood delights at the Hastings River Oyster & Prawn Festival, at Westport Park, Port Macquarie. This scenic riverside location is perfect for a day of indulgence, entertainment, and community celebration.

Seafood lovers can enjoy freshly shucked oysters from local legends Port Oyster Company, Shoreline Oysters, and Tunstead Oysters, along with wild-caught prawns and Balmain Bugs from Port Macquarie North Shore Prawn Trawlers.

Prefer something else? Food trucks will offer a variety of dishes, including Thai, Indian, Turkish, dumplings, ice cream, burgers, coffee, and more.

Test your skills with free-entry oyster shucking and prawn peeling competitions, and family-friendly fun includes face painting, Troppo Bob the Magic Man, and The Reptile Man’s live displays.

Bring your own picnic-style refreshments and enjoy a day of fresh seafood, live music, and fun.

Date: Sunday, 16th March 2025

Time: 10am - 5pm

Location: Westport Park - Park Street Port Macquarie

Cost: Free entry

For more information visit the Festival webpage.

Social Prescribing Showcase in Port Macquarie – Celebrating ‘Healthy Me, Healthy Community’

Social prescribing is an evidence-based, contemporary approach to health and wellbeing, gaining significant ground around the world.

Supported by Healthy North Coast, Port Macquarie recently concluded ‘Healthy Me, Healthy Community’, a social prescribing pilot, to help local people improve wellbeing by connecting to supports, activities and each other.

This event is for anyone working within the Primary Health Network and will launch the start of Healthy North Coast's Clinical Society series on Social Prescribing.

Date: Thursday, 6th March 2025

Time: 5.30pm - 8pm

Location: Sails Port Macquarie by Rydges - 20 Park Street Port Macquarie

For more information and to register, visit the Healthy North Coast website.

Suicide Prevention Workshop – Port Macquarie

Wesley LifeForce suicide prevention training equips participants with the knowledge and skills to increase awareness of suicide in Australia, identify the signs that someone may be at risk of suicide and appropriate action to take. Effective interventions can make a real difference and save lives. Our programs aim at training individuals from all walks of life, as well as organisational groups. All Wesley LifeForce facilitators are accredited trainers and have completed suicide intervention training. Below you will find an outline of our workshops.

A 6-hour suicide prevention training workshop is on offer in Port Macquarie for free.

Date: Tuesday, 8th April 2025

Time: 9am - 4pm

Location: The Westport Club - 25 Buller Street, Port Macquarie

Cost: Free

Limited spots available so secure your attendance now by visiting the Workshop page on the Eventbrite site.

Save the date – Wellness Walk Port Macquarie

Wellness Walk is happening again in Port Macquarie! The event celebrates World Happiness Day.

The event has been planned for Thursday, 20th March 2025, so save the date!

Endeavour Mental Health Clubhouse Port Macquarie will provide further details shortly, so keep an eye on the Endeavour Clubhouse website.

Youth Housing Worker (Identified Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Position)

Full Time Aboriginal Youth Housing Worker
We are excited to share an opportunity for an experienced, motivated, and teachable individual to join our small but dedicated team. Our mission is to support local children and young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, and we need someone passionate about making a real difference in their lives.
This role is specifically designed to develop and promote cultural connections while providing meaningful support to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients. I am looking for someone who understands the significance of culture and is committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment.
Please note that this is an identified Aboriginal position. Applicants must be of Aboriginal descent and provide evidence of their Aboriginality, in addition to addressing the Selection Criteria.
If you are interested in joining a team that values culture and is dedicated to creating positive change, I encourage you to apply.
Read the Job Ad here.
Read the Position Description here. 

Have Your Say – TAFE NSW Survey

TAFE NSW is inviting all residents of NSW to have their say about TAFE NSW in their local community. We want to know if we’re in good shape to help foster opportunities for education and employment in our local communities.

We also know every community is different, so we need your help to better understand local needs and aspirations.

If you can, take the 10-minute survey that’s available here: haveyoursay.nsw.gov.au/tafensw2025

Pocket Speechie: Text-based Information for Preschool Aged Children is back for 2025

Pocket Speechie is a health promotion project developed by the HNEkids Community Based Speech Pathology team in the Hunter New England Local Health District.  Written by speech pathologists, Pocket Speechie delivers helpful information and activities to parents, carers, and educators via SMS.  The messages are aimed at improving health and literacy outcomes, and to provide tips to help children get ready for kindergarten.  The strategies may be new or simply offer a different way of doing something.

Topics covered in the text message service include:

  • Typical speech sound development
  • Vocabulary and language development
  • Book sharing
  • Hearing and the links with speech and language
  • Transition to school and school readiness

Register at any time using the QR code:

Or visit: https://qars.cec.health.nsw.gov.au/Survey?p=1EC24201

Subscribe to Blue Sky’s YouTube Channel!

Have you subscribed to Blue Sky's YouTube channel yet? If not, do it now!

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5 Ss Housing Assistance Flowchart Resource for Community Service Workers

Local housing support workers and the Child and Family Interagency groups across the Mid North Coast, recently formed working groups to create localised resources. These flowcharts help guide community service workers and volunteers through the process required to support families experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of becoming homeless.

The flowcharts break the process into five steps - Safety and Services, Shelter, Situation, Support and Self-Care (5 Ss). Local support services are highlighted throughout.

There is a version available for each of the following regions: Coffs Harbour, Nambucca Valley, Bellingen, Kempsey, Port Macquarie Hastings and Mid Coast (Taree/Forster/Gloucester).

The resources are beneficial for workers in organisations where housing support is not their core business, however, they support customers who may also be experiencing challenges with securing or maintaining housing. This assists the worker to maintain a holistic and supportive approach to families and foster relationships and trust. 

Head to the Blue Sky Community Services website to learn more about the 5 Ss and to download the latest versions for each region.

Concessions, Rebates and Assistance – Service NSW

Support is available across a wide range of household bills and activities. Find out what you could be eligible for! It could be a Companion Card, assistance with cost of living or simply how to navigate services.

Visit the Service NSW website

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