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The Grandcarers project seeks to address the disadvantage experienced by grandparents when taking on a full-time carer role for their grandchildren.

Grandcaring is often based on an informal agreement with this cohort often being elderly and disconnected to the needs of their grandchildren. Grandcarers often need to exit the workforce to take on the carer responsibilities which increases mental and financial stress and the loss of social networks enhances the likelihood of social isolation.

The project aims to connect members of the Grandcarers community to inspire, educate, support and enable them to experience equality and justice in their lives and to deliver the best care they can for their grandchildren. Participants will build networks through shared experiences and develop ongoing support structures that will reduce their social isolation and contribute to their overall wellbeing.

Your support will enable Grandcarers to develop the skills they need to keep children safe, nurtured and effectively cared for within their own community, allowing them to thrive. This support has a flow-on effect to the children, their peers and their community; by building strong resilient children who grow into valuable members of the community as adults. The significant care from their grandparents and the support of the Grandcarer makes this all possible.