The Hospital Care Resources have been developed as part of the ‘Enhancing Inclusion in the Health System’ project, which aims to create a best practice model for enhancing the inclusion of people with disability in the mainstream health system.
The Inclusive Hospital Care Resource prompts discussion between people with disability in hospital and the Health staff supporting them. Working through this process as a team supports person-first, inclusive care that meets the patient’s needs throughout the hospital admission and discharge processes. The front page of this resource serves as a cover sheet for information about the person that would be useful to share with Health staff.
The My Health Journey Hospital Passport provides a template for people with disability to record important information about themselves that is useful to share with the Health staff who support them during their hospital journey. If you would like to use this passport, please download it, record your information, print it and attach it to the back of the Inclusive Hospital Care Resource. It might be useful to keep your information in a plastic sleeve so it is protected to be kept handy in preparation for going to hospital.
Download the resources here: