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Aged Care and Disability Sector Support

What we do

Blue Sky’s Sector Support and Development program is part of the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP). Through this initiative, we support home care service providers looking to work more effectively. We offer training, meetings, forums and resources that are specific to the needs of the area we serve.

Who it's for

This program is for CHSP-funded aged care providers, employees, and volunteers.

How we assist you

We offer training, resources, forums, meetings and networking opportunities tailored to the needs of our local community. These will help you stay on top of your work requirements and give you the tools to provide the best possible care for your clients.

When we are available

Monday to Thursday 8am to 4pm.

how to contact us

How to reach us

If you are interested in how Sector Support and Development may support you in providing aged care services, simply contact us to arrange a meeting.
Phone: (02) 6651 1788
Email: contact@bluesky.org.au

what we've been working on

What the team's been working on

We provided three online CHSP forums with nine industry-leading guest speakers on a wide range of topics, with between 20 to 30 people attending each session.



The Living Well Expo, held at C.ex Coffs in early March, was a huge success, with more than 1000 people in attendance throughout the day. The event, which is led by Blue Sky Community Services and Lifetime Connect, promotes social inclusion and healthy living. Read the full story here


Other details about Aged Care and Disability Sector Support