What we do
We work with all aspects of the community to build social inclusion and positive attitudes towards diversity. We collaborate with organisations, schools, councils and groups to bring awareness to the needs of our communities, find opportunities to grow inclusion, and celebrate everyone’s contributions.
Who it's for
Everyone is welcome! Our vision is to create communities where everyone belongs.
How we assist you
Social inclusion goes beyond being nice or banning discrimination. In this community, we work with local businesses, events, locations and people that are inclusive and actively create spaces with a shared sense of belonging. We will assist you by raising awareness and providing environments that meet everyone’s needs - and yours too.
When we are available
9:00am - 5:00pm Monday to Friday

How to reach us
Contact our organisation to find out how we can help you become more inclusive.

What the team's been working on
We’ve been delivering Sensory Awareness Workshops in schools and contributing to local council Disability Inclusion Action Plans (DIAPs).

Other details about Diversity & Inclusion
Our organisation works to foster more inclusive communities and support people to thrive. Throughout our history, we have worked in close partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities in our region to support positive outcomes, and we continue to do so. We greatly value these partnerships and acknowledge the tremendous strengths that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples bring to the communities we work in.
Blue Sky Community Services has put in place some initiatives towards reconciliation and has developed our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) to articulate and strengthen our organisation’s commitment to reconciliation.
Blue Sky’s Diversity and Inclusion Working Group has been developing a Diversity and Inclusion Plan. The plan demonstrates Blue Sky’s commitment to maintaining a culture that builds respect and fosters inclusiveness, promotes diversity, and celebrates the unique skills and qualities of all our staff, communities, and participants.
As part of our commitment to website accessibility, we are working towards compliance with WCAG 2.2 standards by 2026.