What we do
Our emergency relief program assists those at risk of critical financial hardship. Whether it’s just yourself or your family, you can reach out to us for support. We will help you budget, connect you with other services, and/or provide food and petrol vouchers, whilst encouraging your financial capacity building.
Who it's for
If you are located in the Clarence Valley, Coffs Harbour, Bellingen, Nambucca, Kempsey, Port Macquarie, Taree, and the Great Lakes areas, we are able to assist.
How we assist you
Our service can support you with budgeting, accessing financial tools, and connecting you to other relevant services. We can also provide short-term assistance, usually consisting of a voucher for essential groceries.
When we are available
Our Financial Wellbeing Service is currently at full capacity until mid-July 2024. If you would like to make an appointment, please try us again in a month’s time. For further information, call: (02) 6651 1788
How to reach us
To make a booking, simply contact our Head Office on (02) 6651 1788
(Monday to Friday 9am – 4:30pm).
Appointments are usually 30 minutes.
What the team's been working on
We’ve assisted a number of participants impacted by the recent flooding and we have engaged participants to build their financial capability.
One of our participants found the advice of splitting her money into different accounts to assist with savings and to keep track of expenditures very helpful. She also put into practice shopping around to find a more convenient phone deal.