What we do
This service provides those with a psychosocial disability the coaching and support necessary to take more control over their lives and to increase their independence and social participation.
Who it's for
We provide coaching support to participants with a psychosocial disability who have Psychosocial Recovery Coach funding included in their NDIS plan.
How we assist you
Through this service, we provide coaching support to assist you in recognising and taking responsibility for your own mental health recovery. This journey involves increasing your independence and social participation.
When we are available
You can contact us Monday to Friday from 9am to 4:30pm.

How to reach us

What the team's been working on
We continue to build a great reputation within the Manning/Great Lakes region due to the quality of support we provide to participants with psychosocial disabilities.

Other details about Psychosocial Recovery Coaching
A recovery coach is an NDIS-funded worker who has mental health knowledge. Blue Sky’s recovery coach will:
- spend time with you and the people who are important to you, to get to know you and understand your needs
- assist you in finding out about different services and supports, and how these can help you
- assist you in obtaining support from mental health services
- assist you to better understand the NDIS, and support you with the plan review process.
Where we offer Psychosocial Recovery Coaching:
Our Psychosocial Recovery Coaches deliver in-person Psychosocial Recovery Coaching services in the Mid Coast and Port Stephens areas of NSW. We service locations including Forster, Harrington, Karuah, Medowie, Nabiac, Old Bar, Taree, Tuncurry, Wingham, Anna Bay, Gloucester, Nelson Bay, Raymond Terrace, Tea Gardens, Harrington, Karuah, Medowie, Nabiac, Bulahdelah and Stroud.
We can also deliver Psychosocial Recovery Coaching services virtually across Australia.
PLEASE NOTE: Blue Sky is unable to offer NDIS provider services in the NSW Mid North Coast area from Coffs Harbour to Port Macquarie, as the organisation is delivering the NDIS Local Area Coordination service across this region.