
We welcome your feedback
Receiving feedback and complaints is a great way to find out what we do well (so we can do more of it) and what we don’t do so well (so we can do it better). We love passing on positive feedback to our staff so they know when they are doing a great job.
We are also committed to dealing fairly and effectively with complaints. We want to know what happened and why, and how we can improve on the services we deliver.
Feedback and Complaints Form
Required fields are marked ‘(required)’

What will happen if I make a complaint?
When you give us feedback or make a complaint, the staff member receiving the feedback/complaint will listen to you respectfully and ask questions so they can fully understand the nature of the feedback/complaint.
If we have done something that has caused you concern, we will look into the matter and find ways to prevent the same sort of thing from happening again.
All feedback and complaints are reported to the Chief Executive Officer so improvements can be made to the way we deliver our services.
The Chief Executive Officer also reports complaints to the Board of Governance of Blue Sky Community Services.
If a complaint may be criminal in nature, or concerns potential risks to someone’s safety and wellbeing, it will be reported to the appropriate external authorities for investigation.
All complaints are:
- taken seriously
- dealt with within a reasonable timeframe
- kept confidential (only parties that need to know about the complaint will be told about it)
- investigated objectively and fairly
- no assumptions will be made and no action taken until all the information collected has been considered
- repercussion-free (no action will be taken against anyone making a complaint or helping another person to make a complaint, except where a complaint is found to be malicious or without foundation).
How do I give feedback or make a complaint?
Aside from completing the form online, there are several ways you can give us feedback or make a complaint:
- If you feel comfortable, you can speak with the staff member who you are giving feedback or making a complaint about. Often matters can be quickly resolved by talking directly to the person responsible.
- If you don’t feel comfortable speaking to the staff member involved, you can ask to speak with the person’s Manager. You can do this by phoning our Coffs Harbour office on (02) 6651 1788 or by emailing the Manager at
- If you don’t feel comfortable speaking to the person’s Manager, or if the complaint is about the Manager, you can speak with the Chief Executive Officer. You can do this by phoning our Coffs Harbour office on (02) 6651 1788 or by emailing
- If you would feel more comfortable putting your feedback or complaint in writing, you can do this by marking it to the attention of the Complaints Officer and emailing it to or posting it to PO Box 799, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450.
You can use your own wording, or you can use our Feedback & Complaints Form. You can download the form here, ask us to send this to you by email or post, or collect and return a form at one of our offices.

Can someone else give feedback on my behalf?

Additional Support
If you would feel more comfortable with someone else giving us feedback or making a complaint, you can use an advocate or someone you trust to speak on your behalf.
If you would like assistance to find an advocate to speak on your behalf, please let us know. You can also contact an advocate service. Some of the advocate services available on the Mid North Coast of NSW are listed here:
Disability Advocacy NSW
Phone: (02) 4927 0111 or 1300 365 085
Brain Tumour Alliance Australia
Phone: 1800 857 221
The Intellectual Disability Rights Service
Phone: (02) 9318 0144 or 1800 666 611
You can use an interpreter to give us feedback or make a complaint.
If you need assistance in finding an interpreter, please let us know. You can also contact an interpreting service. Some of the interpreting services available are listed here:
Community Relations Commission for a Multicultural NSW
Phone: (02) 8255 6767 or 1300 651 500
TTY: (02) 8255 6758
Translating and Interpreter Service
Phone: 1300 132 621
The Deaf Society

What if I think my complaint hasn’t been dealt with properly?
If you don’t think your complaint has been dealt with by us properly, you can complain to an objective third party to assist you in resolving the complaint. You can contact any of the following people to assist you in resolving the complaint:

NSW Ombudsman
The NSW Department of Communities and Justice
The Federal Government Department of Social Services
Phone: 1800 634 035
National Relay Service
The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (for complaints regarding the delivery of NDIS supports)
Phone: 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) Interpreters can be arranged.
The National Disability Insurance Agency (for complaints regarding Local Area Coordination services)
Phone: 1800 800 110